
Monday, February 21, 2011


I have been waiting to talk about Justin for quite some time - Now you have all met the many people in my life - Father Paul, Rafael, and of course Ted... but let me tell you a bit about Justin...

Justin is 27  years old and is pursuing the priesthood.  He currently is in his first year at seminary.  Justin is not your typical seminarian.. at least I don't think so.  Dont' get me wrong, he is a man of faith.. He truly is - but he is one of the funniest, most cynical people I have ever met.

I met young Justin over a year ago and it was love at first sight.  We hit it off right away - finishing each other sentences, thoughts.. it was hysterical. I do believe at one point, our Pastor was a bit jealous of our friendship - but that was ok. We would just end up making fun of everything and everyone.. very juvenile - but so much fun.  I felt like I was in high school.  People talk about having soul mates in their lives and usually they mean love and my husband is definitely mine, but Justin is another - not love - well not that kind of love.. it is definitely an unbelievable friendship that has blossomed over the last year and a half. When I met Justin he was in what they call "the house of discernment"  - this is the place where you go before you make the decision to go to seminary.  I would look forward to all the stories that Justin  - had to offer. They were always so colorful and hysterical.

Over that year, he spent a huge portion of it at the church where I work.  Learning the ropes of being in a church, running certain programs, being the beck and call boy.  Every weekend was a new adventure for him and I got to listen to it - all of it, the good, bad and the ugly. But every step of the way was so funny - I could not stand it. 

The things he does for Father Paul at church are hysterical - here is a little list of things he has done.
  • clean the floor
  • rearrange flowers
  • wash chalices
  • scrape wax off the sanctuary tile
  • clear a cobweb from a light
  • adjust the heat
  • and yes, go carpet shopping
I need to tell you what it is like to watch Justin 'sing' at church.  His whole take on Music in church is quite interesting -  Justin won't admit it, but he likes the music in church - but he does not like the contemporary stuff - he makes fun of it.  I try to tell him that the contemporary music gets the kids more involved... and then he responds that he does not really like children or people for that matter.  I laugh - he is such a people person. But he will say almost anything to get a reaction.

So listen, Just got a text from Justin - I have to go - don't worry, there will be more on Justin in the future...

Peace out kiddies..


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