So after I get a parking spot right in front of the church - I walk in and look around. It is a lovely old church, filled with arches -even has that old church smell ( you know what I mean) So I am looking for Father Paul - finally found him in the front of the church in the Sacristy.(the room next to the altar) As I walk in - I am handed a program - yes a program. And not just any ordinary program - It was set up like a Broadway playbill. Quite brilliant actually. In addition to the program, There was a script - it was a read and response type of thing. I believe that it consisted of lines from some of his plays. I knew I was in for something really interesting -
I was introduced to some of the other priests and deacons that will be co celebrating the funeral mass. Then I meet the most recent organist/music minister. He has since left this church for another position - We exchange pleasantries, he was very nice - then we got down to business. I asked him who was to sing what - since he was not playing, (remember it was all acappella) he was song leading as well. I let him take the lead -since the main reason I was there was to sing with Father Paul.
The service was to start at 10:30. It was clear that it was not going to run on time, so I just sat in the sacristy and observed. The man from New York that I was to sing with , was in the back hall, drinking his tea and warming up. I was laughing to myself.. I know, I know, I should be more respectful to other singers, but come on. The music that we were doing is not strenuous at all. Of course, Father Paul being the funny man that he is, said to me half laughing. "he has your tea, where is yours? I respond "Oh I knew I forgot something" Actually, I left my coffee in the car.. darn - We smiled and waited... and listened to "him" warm up. Finally, forty minutes later the tributes were over and it was time for the actual funeral ceremony.
The procession started with yet another woman singing Amazing Grace - it was a glorious voice - the way Amazing Grace should be sung, so soulful. The mass went on and our boy from NY started to sing - he was a good singer But so dramatic, oh my.. boy was very dramatic! Father Paul would look at me every now and again when he was not involved with a certain part of the service and make "the face" - you know, the face that said...."wow he is dramatic" And when I sang with him (our NY Boy) he pumped up the dramatics.
Now there is a part in the ceremony where the gifts are brought up to the altar. Usually what is brought up is bread and wine. Now this offertory was really different- Our deceased had specific loves in his life, Roller Coasters, Diet Soda, the theater and music. So his friends brought up the following in addition to bread and wine.
Acase of Diet Coke,
A statue of a roller coaster
A tuba
Theater tickets
Theater programs - (how very Egyptian huh?)
Now Father Paul had to accept all of these at the altar - and he was so gracious and caring. That is why he is so good at what he does. I could not have done that with a straight face - The service continued and we get to the point where the mass parts which consist of the Sanctus (Holy Holy), Memorial acclamation and the doxology or the great Amen are sung. Now when you sing for different churches, you get used to the different mass settings - well this one I have NEVER heard of before, so therefore I was not going to sing it. But my singing partner did.. and boy was he into it.. arms flailing, singing his brains out.. which is fine, really - I just hope he was connected to the text as he was physically showing the congregation. Father Paul looked at me with the face "where did these mass parts come from?"
Ok, so after the communion was ovcr, we are pretty much done - so here comes the part that I actually drove here for. Father Paul says one of the final prayers and explains that this person is sacred to us and to God... ok, so this is when Father Incenses the body and we start singing Go with God.. and it was very nice - we truly sound great together - no doubt a great ending to a very theatrical funeral - Father was pleased - I hope the deceased was and it was an celebration of life I will NEVER forget.
Have a great day!