I have gotten some requests for more stories about Justin, my seminarian friend.. I can't disappoint the public! He truly is a wonderfully funny sarcastic human being.. So, not only do I sing funerals, I also sing for weekend services and holidays and Justin is usually there. So let's take a look at Easter and how Justin, our seminarian did....
Ah, where to begin - So I get to church for Easter Vigil (sixth night of passover for all my Jewish friends) and there he is.. rushing around looking like a chicken with his head cut off. Trying to get everything organized - you would think he was the head honcho. He was training the alter servers on how they will process down the aisle of the church. "Now you two will follow the Father.. hellooo.. are you listening.. hello" I love the blank stare that the Alter servers gave him.. cuz it just made his blood boil even more.. finally he got them to listen - and after that was over I went over to him and said - " Man, The Baptismal font looks great".. he stares at me and says, "It should, I would all day on it!" Earlier that day, after morning prayer, he had to drain it, scrub it, and seal it.. I swear, If the priest thing does not work out he could get a job as a subcontractor for cleaning out ponds or pools with a landscaping company. All he could do was complain that the font was filthy, and how did that happen, was it not sealed properly.. and on and on.. I just kept laughing - he was looking for the sympathy vote.. So not going to happen Justin...
Ok, sorry I sidetracked.. so back to Easter Vigil - It truly is a beautiful service. It starts outside where the priest says many readings and what the light of Christ means and the meaning of the Easter Candle . Then the Easter candle is lit - and they come into the church, where it is completely dark, and the Deacon comes in and sings.. "light of Christ".. and I lead the congregation, "thanks be to God"
During this time, the altar servers (after their intense training with Justin) light their candles and go to the end of a pew and they light the candles that the congregants are holding.. the whole church lights up slowly, (this is my favorite part of the service) Once the whole church is lit, I start singing the exultant - in the dark.. Thank God I have my candle!
Finally, the lights go up - and our service begins - now during this special service, I have to sing three responsorial psalms. Fine, I have done that before - and they are to be sung at what is called the Ambo. Which is where the gospel is read. After all of this, I have to sing the alleluia, which is sung before the gospel is read - now realize that the during all of lent, the word alleluia as not been mentioned.
But I, quickly glancing at my script of what is to happen, see the words "gradual psalm." Not putting together that I had to go to the other side of the altar to my cantor stand where I do most of the singing.. so there I am singing the Alleluia from the ambo- and when I am done, Father Paul mouths to me.. "why did you do the alleluia from there?" I said to myself.. 'oh crap'.. what was I thinking - I have done this a million times.. where was my brain.. I am blaming it on Justin. But while this was going on, Justin was walking around following the Father with the incense - which was smoking so much I swear he was trying to smoke us out!
So finally as the Gospel was being read, Justin was standing there with the incense, swinging it back and forth, to make more smoke.. I swear he was going to light himself or one of the priests on fire.
There is more to tell - but I think we all need to digest this part the first ... first.
Peace out kiddies..
Ah, where to begin - So I get to church for Easter Vigil (sixth night of passover for all my Jewish friends) and there he is.. rushing around looking like a chicken with his head cut off. Trying to get everything organized - you would think he was the head honcho. He was training the alter servers on how they will process down the aisle of the church. "Now you two will follow the Father.. hellooo.. are you listening.. hello" I love the blank stare that the Alter servers gave him.. cuz it just made his blood boil even more.. finally he got them to listen - and after that was over I went over to him and said - " Man, The Baptismal font looks great".. he stares at me and says, "It should, I would all day on it!" Earlier that day, after morning prayer, he had to drain it, scrub it, and seal it.. I swear, If the priest thing does not work out he could get a job as a subcontractor for cleaning out ponds or pools with a landscaping company. All he could do was complain that the font was filthy, and how did that happen, was it not sealed properly.. and on and on.. I just kept laughing - he was looking for the sympathy vote.. So not going to happen Justin...
Ok, sorry I sidetracked.. so back to Easter Vigil - It truly is a beautiful service. It starts outside where the priest says many readings and what the light of Christ means and the meaning of the Easter Candle . Then the Easter candle is lit - and they come into the church, where it is completely dark, and the Deacon comes in and sings.. "light of Christ".. and I lead the congregation, "thanks be to God"
During this time, the altar servers (after their intense training with Justin) light their candles and go to the end of a pew and they light the candles that the congregants are holding.. the whole church lights up slowly, (this is my favorite part of the service) Once the whole church is lit, I start singing the exultant - in the dark.. Thank God I have my candle!
Finally, the lights go up - and our service begins - now during this special service, I have to sing three responsorial psalms. Fine, I have done that before - and they are to be sung at what is called the Ambo. Which is where the gospel is read. After all of this, I have to sing the alleluia, which is sung before the gospel is read - now realize that the during all of lent, the word alleluia as not been mentioned.
But I, quickly glancing at my script of what is to happen, see the words "gradual psalm." Not putting together that I had to go to the other side of the altar to my cantor stand where I do most of the singing.. so there I am singing the Alleluia from the ambo- and when I am done, Father Paul mouths to me.. "why did you do the alleluia from there?" I said to myself.. 'oh crap'.. what was I thinking - I have done this a million times.. where was my brain.. I am blaming it on Justin. But while this was going on, Justin was walking around following the Father with the incense - which was smoking so much I swear he was trying to smoke us out!

There is more to tell - but I think we all need to digest this part the first ... first.
Peace out kiddies..
Justin sounds like a very hard worker. I am sure he is handsome, CHARMING, funny, smart, and dedicated to his work. Perhaps if more people in church would listen to Justin, things might run a little smoother...MAYBE! He sounds like an OCD neurotic but that is what is needed to make Liturgy work. Also, singing from the Ambo really screwed Justin up at the Easter Vigil and he got yelled at by Fr. Paul for not bringing the incense out during for him to impose in the thurible in a timely manner. Please be nice to Justin, he may seem to have a tough exterior but he really is just a gentle flower that cries himself to sleep at night when things do not go right at Mass, when the floor is dirty, when the font does not work and when the "older" servers try to assist at a funeral Mass.