So as I go to sing a service on Sunday, Father Paul tells me in passing that there will be another funeral this week. No problem - that is why I leave my mornings open! But he started to tell the story of this funeral that was coming up -
He was called out of a dinner to go to see this family who had just lost their wife, aunt. When he got there he met with the niece and nephew and their uncle (the deceased's husband) Randy. Now I need to preface this by saying Uncle Randy is pretty much deaf - can't really hear anything. So the niece and nephew said that they thought their aunt was dead - and Father agreed. But then they said - "yes, and Uncle Randy got out a stethoscope and listened for a heartbeat and could not hear a thing!" Ok, folks, what is wrong with this picture, of course Randy could not hear a thing.. HE IS DEAF!
So after Father Paul finishes telling this story and I am laughing so hard.. his delivery was excellent -
But Randy and his wife Mary were a sweet couple - married 58 years.. unreal! And before Mary died, Father Paul asked her if she was still in love with Randy - and with a burst of energy she said YES!!!
Father said it made his heart so warm. It is all about the love -
So, yesterday was the funeral. And Susan was there to play for me - and so we would not be too surprised on what the music was going to be -( no hymns from 1745) - I called Father Paul and asked what we were to sing - he responded "Nothing out of the ordinary... the husband is deaf!" Good point. We did the normal stuff - but what happened during the service was funny to me.
There comes a part in the service where the Priest will incense the altar. Now let me set up the scene for you - He has two altar servers - Fitz is 81 and Tom is 79 - a very spry bunch. Their job, while Father is doing his homily, is to go back and set up the incense so it is ready to go when it is time for the presentation of the gifts -

Then the dynamic duo (our spry servers) need to bring the wine and water to the priest so he can finish his job - well I am singing Ave Maria at this point and they brought the wine to him, but forgot the water - so I ended up, while singing, picking up the water and handing it to the server. I know, I know,... I am smoooth..... I never missed a beat. LOL
The rest of the service went fine - except when they were going to take the casket out of the church. Back in the day, the pall bearers from the funeral home would turn the casket around (toes first I guess) to head out of the church. Now a days, this practice is normally not done anymore. So they tried to do it yesterday and Father turns around and says... "In this church we do not turn the casket around" The pall bearer huffed a little to him - so Father responded by saying.. "you may do it in other churches but not this one"
and off they went.
We ended with Eagle's Wings and ta da.. it was done..Later I asked Father why he was looking at me so funny during the presentation - he said he was trying to see me through the smoke!
Just another day in the life of a funeral singer!
Peace out kiddies..
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