
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

That's right, I said, Fish Funeral...

I knew it would happen and I dreaded the day when we would lose our first pet.  It was in the afternoon and I went into my son's room and I could only see one fish swimming in the tank - "where was the other one, " I thought.. I was looking frantically, then I glanced down on the bottom of the tank - and there he was .. Blackeye .. so listless, so free.. how were we going to tell our son - my husband called Jake to his room and explained to him that Blackeye had indeed died. He was so sad, devastated.   But as we wiped his tears away, he decided that he wanted to go and plan a funeral for Blackeye - and boy did he.

First of all, he said to me "Mommy, since you sing funerals all the time, are you available to sing for Blackeye's? " "of course, " I said.. "anything for Blackeye"

So the planning began -  who was invited, and who will talk. - It was all planned out.

The day finally came and my son brings to me a drawing of how he wanted Blackeye's altar/Bima to look - He comes into the room all proud and says "OK, mom, do you think you can make this?" I said sure - so I proceeded to make this Altar/Bima out of cardboard, I covered it with paper and my son decorated it - he then said he had to go and get drinks and snacks out for after the service.  Pretzels and your choice of Almond Milk, Water, or orange juice.

After this was all done, I told him that maybe he would like to write a little something about Blackeye to share with us - He decided to write a poem..  I was so proud of him - not only writing the poem - but it was such a great way for him to have closure with his first pet. 

So now it was time for "the people" to come - the people included my husband and I, our neighbor, his daughter (who is 23) and Arlo, the dog.  It was so sweet for them to come over for the service.

So the service begins and my son welcomes everyone - "Thank you for coming to Blackeye's service"
and proceded to say - "why don't we go around the room and all say something about Blackeye.  And  each of us said something - to the tune of  "Blackeye always looked so happy swimming around with Tiger" or "I remember when Blackeye first came home from the pet store".. very sweet sentiments -

So then it was J's turn to get up and talk about his pet.  He did so by reciting the poem he wrote:
Blackeye, Blackeye he's so great
Blackeye, Blackeye, he was in shape
Blackeye Blackeye he's so great
Blackeye, Blackeye I loved you so
Blackeye, Blackeye why did you have to go
Blackeye, Blackeye I love you so

As he is reading it - I am thinking.. "really, is this my kid?" I was so proud of him..That poem was so sweet and sentimental -  unreal for an 8 year old.  He then proceded to ask his Dad (my husband) to recite the mourner's Kaddish - so D did that - and J was very serious and tried to say it with him - our neighbors kind of just went with it. LOL

Anywho - then it was time to go outside and bury Blackeye - we all went out there (even the dog) and I had predug a hole for the funeral. As we lowered him in (ok, we opened the box and dropped him in ) Jake said "would anyone like to see him again before we bury him?"  We all passed on that offer - so we burried the little goldfish with the big  black eyes -  and then one by one, we threw a little dirt in the grave.  I finished the job -

My husband said - shouldn't we sing or something - and so he started to sing "Soon and very soon" A gospel tune - how perfect - and right when we were done singing.. Arlo took a crap. Yep.. right out there.. just proving that life 'moves' on.. ok, It was hysterical.. but when you have to go you have to go. - As we had a little laugh about that  - we all went back inside and just hung out -

See, now I can add "pet funeral singer" on my resume'.

Blackeye, we miss you but we did get a new fish - Fin - and Tiger and Fin are getting along swimingly.


Peace, love and coffee-

1 comment:

  1. I have an older bearded dragon, and you are sooooo hired! I just hope that day doesn't come too soon....
