I just don't know where to begin with this one. I guess I should start when I was singing a funeral and Father Paul was talking about his friend that had died. Anthony was an organist, composer, teacher - and very extra ordinary. Apparently, he was very flamboyant, loving and very very funny.
So Father Paul said he was officiating this funeral and he wasn't sure what was going to happen because there was going to be testimonials, story telling and singing - yes singing show tunes without accompaniment - purely accappella. Ok, so now I was intrigued. Even though I was not hired to go and sing, I wanted to go anyway just to see - and Ted was bummed because he was not to play for the funeral and was a bit surprised- So then Father Paul responded "Well, Ted, he wanted it to be accapella.. hellooooo" Ted responded "ha ha" I later texted Ted and said.. "you know, we should crash this funeral.... just to see" He did not respond. I guess he was a little bitter.
So the next night Father Paul calls me - "UH Missy, Paul here -Are you free on Thursday? I am going to ask them if I can bring you with me - so we can sing "Go with God" I mean, come on.. we sing that so well together and he loved broadway so much - it is perfect." So I respond, "great.. let me know either way" So, my evening proceeds and I am laughing to myself because I know this would send Ted over the edge. I did not hear from Father Paul - so I called him to see what the deal was - no answer. He was probably talking to the family, etc. I finally got a call back the next day and he said that they said no. He was shocked and Father does not take rejection easily - Sooooo, he said, I am going back to the wake tonite and I will talk to them again. Well, apparently that worked. He calls me up and said that he had changed their mind and I was to come.
So.. what do I do? I am so bad, I went and texted Ted to let him know that I am indeed going to sing at this funeral and that he should still come - Still no response.... hmmm is Ted angry? I won't know until the next time I see him... oh well off to find the directions to this funeral... Hello GPS
Stay tuned, part II of "I don't even know where to start" will be coming soon...
Have a peaceful day-
I have been singing funerals for a long time- I thought it was time to start sharing my stories- some are sweet, some are horrible and some are just plain funny. I am fortunate enough to hear about the wonderful things that these people did and how they touched the lives of so many others....
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Just another Funky Friday
So I get a text from Susan, one of the organists I sing for in New Jersey - and all it said was 'funeral, tomorrow, 9:30 ?" So of course I text back saying "absolutely and thank you." So morning rolls around. First of all, I wake up with a horrendous headache - all I want to do is close my eyes and let the headache go away...but I can't - so I take my pain reliever for my headache, hoping it will help - get my coffee - which is essential for my health and well being - and tried to jump start my day -
I drive over to the church and on my way, I talk to my Dad (on my hands free device of course) and he asks .. are you singing for the dead today? "yes dad.. I am off to sing for the dead" After we exchange pleasantries, and he gives me the lowdown on where my Mom was - I realized that he has not had his coffee yet so I let him go and get to that. (The apple does NOT fall far from the tree)
Anywho, I get to church and walk in and see that there are a good amount of people there - ready to come in - So it is getting closer to 9:30 and alot of the parishioners are coming in to take their seats.
Now I have to explain that there are these bells that toll to let us know that the family has arrived - and when I hear them, I am supposed to announce that the family had arrived and we will be starting soon and tell them what the first hymn will be - Soooo today, I start to make my announcement - and I got as far as - "The bells indicate that the family has arr....., " - All of a sudden, the priest starts the service - (you see, I cannot see him when he begins, I just hear him through the audio system in the church -) so I had to stop talking (man, did I feel like a fool) - I just smiled, put my hands up in the air to indicate that they should rise -
The service began, everything was going fine - but you know you can have a day where you are just not singing your best- and today was one of those days.. I sang fine, but it just wasn't "right" for me - It is just like anything in life that is not right on, your golf game, a show you may be doing, a concert, a soccer game - you get the idea..
They had words of remembrance at the end of communion and it was quite interesting - apparently, The mother of these three children (she was 82 when she died) left notes for the kids that they were to read after she had died. And they were funny! Telling her kids that raising the kids will be great - but that the teenage years are going to be a challenge - They got a healthy giggle from the congregation. The children kept tag teaming, so they split up the notes that their mom left for them. The notes were very touching, funny and sweet.
I think that is a great idea - I might start keeping a journal just for my child - that way, he can see the day to day or week to week ideas, thoughts, what we did, etc.. something just for him - but he won't be able to have it until I am gone.. He will have a long, long read...
You should all think about that - it is a very sweet sentiment and is very consoling.
Peace out -
I drive over to the church and on my way, I talk to my Dad (on my hands free device of course) and he asks .. are you singing for the dead today? "yes dad.. I am off to sing for the dead" After we exchange pleasantries, and he gives me the lowdown on where my Mom was - I realized that he has not had his coffee yet so I let him go and get to that. (The apple does NOT fall far from the tree)
Anywho, I get to church and walk in and see that there are a good amount of people there - ready to come in - So it is getting closer to 9:30 and alot of the parishioners are coming in to take their seats.
Now I have to explain that there are these bells that toll to let us know that the family has arrived - and when I hear them, I am supposed to announce that the family had arrived and we will be starting soon and tell them what the first hymn will be - Soooo today, I start to make my announcement - and I got as far as - "The bells indicate that the family has arr....., " - All of a sudden, the priest starts the service - (you see, I cannot see him when he begins, I just hear him through the audio system in the church -) so I had to stop talking (man, did I feel like a fool) - I just smiled, put my hands up in the air to indicate that they should rise -
The service began, everything was going fine - but you know you can have a day where you are just not singing your best- and today was one of those days.. I sang fine, but it just wasn't "right" for me - It is just like anything in life that is not right on, your golf game, a show you may be doing, a concert, a soccer game - you get the idea..
They had words of remembrance at the end of communion and it was quite interesting - apparently, The mother of these three children (she was 82 when she died) left notes for the kids that they were to read after she had died. And they were funny! Telling her kids that raising the kids will be great - but that the teenage years are going to be a challenge - They got a healthy giggle from the congregation. The children kept tag teaming, so they split up the notes that their mom left for them. The notes were very touching, funny and sweet.
I think that is a great idea - I might start keeping a journal just for my child - that way, he can see the day to day or week to week ideas, thoughts, what we did, etc.. something just for him - but he won't be able to have it until I am gone.. He will have a long, long read...
Peace out -
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Well.. who showed up?
If you have been following - this last week was crazy. Four funerals! It was a very long week, not only did I have to sing all those funerals, but I had a personal loss in my family. Just a long week -
Let's get to the real fun -WHO PLAYED FOR ME ON SATURDAY? Was it this guy?
Unfortunately, no.. But he looks like we would have a great time! No.. it was my sweet, funny, sarcastic Ted that showed. It was great to see him - I had not really seen him since the beginning of the week - but it felt like an eternity.. yeah, that's it.. an eternity. It was pretty straight forward funeral - the family only requested Ave Maria during the funeral but sometimes we get requests that can throw ya for a loop and you have to figure out where to put them or how you are going to be able to "wing it." For the funeral yesterday, the family wanted, Wind beneath my Wings.. yes.. you don't have to blink twice.. I told Ted that I did not think I should sing it.. I could not remember all the lyrics to the song (and it was 9:30am.. one cup of coffee.. ) So he offered to just play it - And what a beautiful job he did - it is moments like this that I look at him and think.."what a damn good musician/pianist" What can I say.. it makes me proud..
Ok ok, that was way to sentimental.. so let's get back to interesting requests for this week- On Friday we had a request for an old neopolitan classic "Oh Sole Mio".. Now Susan had that funeral and she could play the refrain of the song (from memory!) but not really the verses.. So I was able to find the lyrics (in Italian) on my Iphone - and picture this - I am standing next to the piano, Susan is playing the refrain.. I am there with my iphone in my hand (ruby red bling cover.. i know, very subtle) and I am singing the lyrics from my phone.. Looking back, it is hysterical, but thank goodness I had my phone.. it was a service saver! Thank you technology!
Over all, the week of many organists was fine- As wierd as the requests we got , we winged it.. and we rocked the house. And that my friends, is how you do it. (insert Montell Williams 1995 hit.. This is how we do it.)
Oh and to make you laugh.. I got to spend the afternoon with Ted at another mass at another church - I know, the fun never ends...
Have a great week - stayed tuned...
Let's get to the real fun -WHO PLAYED FOR ME ON SATURDAY? Was it this guy?
Unfortunately, no.. But he looks like we would have a great time! No.. it was my sweet, funny, sarcastic Ted that showed. It was great to see him - I had not really seen him since the beginning of the week - but it felt like an eternity.. yeah, that's it.. an eternity. It was pretty straight forward funeral - the family only requested Ave Maria during the funeral but sometimes we get requests that can throw ya for a loop and you have to figure out where to put them or how you are going to be able to "wing it." For the funeral yesterday, the family wanted, Wind beneath my Wings.. yes.. you don't have to blink twice.. I told Ted that I did not think I should sing it.. I could not remember all the lyrics to the song (and it was 9:30am.. one cup of coffee.. ) So he offered to just play it - And what a beautiful job he did - it is moments like this that I look at him and think.."what a damn good musician/pianist" What can I say.. it makes me proud..
Ok ok, that was way to sentimental.. so let's get back to interesting requests for this week- On Friday we had a request for an old neopolitan classic "Oh Sole Mio".. Now Susan had that funeral and she could play the refrain of the song (from memory!) but not really the verses.. So I was able to find the lyrics (in Italian) on my Iphone - and picture this - I am standing next to the piano, Susan is playing the refrain.. I am there with my iphone in my hand (ruby red bling cover.. i know, very subtle) and I am singing the lyrics from my phone.. Looking back, it is hysterical, but thank goodness I had my phone.. it was a service saver! Thank you technology!
Over all, the week of many organists was fine- As wierd as the requests we got , we winged it.. and we rocked the house. And that my friends, is how you do it. (insert Montell Williams 1995 hit.. This is how we do it.)
Oh and to make you laugh.. I got to spend the afternoon with Ted at another mass at another church - I know, the fun never ends...
Have a great week - stayed tuned...
Friday, December 3, 2010
Which organist will show?
So this week has been busy. Three funerals this week - no wait - text coming in - another one tomorrow unreal - but as you probably know - there are more deaths around the holidays - of course due to the flu, and other sicknesses, depression - I know it is weird, but I find this "topic" if you will, interesting. Anywho.. that is not what I am blogging about tonite.
So as usual, Ted shows up on Monday morning all chipper and sassy. It was a long Thanksgiving weekend and I was a bit tired.. and he is chatting away, like a chatty Cathy - talking about things that concerned.. wait for it - HIMSELF. I love him - but sometimes, he starts on a roll and I tune out - today was one of these days -
So we start going through the service and of course someone had to go for a eulogy of some sort - and we are back in the sacristy and he is listening with one ear - and he realizes that this poor girl is reading a poem that she wrote - and what do we hear from our darling, sincere, compassionate Ted - "Oh - I hate those rhyming poems.. " at this point, I am the one that is rolling my eyes at the comments he is making.. really when you are with him - you don't really have to do much - he is very entertaining all on his own!
The service was pretty straight forward, nothing unusual - and when we finished - I had to book out of there, (had a pt appt.) and thought I would see him Wednesday - but I came to find out that I was not going too.. which brings me to the title of my post today -
Soooo the Music Minister of the church where I work leaves me a message telling me that there is a funeral on Wednesday and Friday and that Susan would be playing for them - and of course my reply was .. "oh. I thought Ted was playing Wednesday's" and his response was "uh - no - I booked Susan.. who told Ted?" Awesome.. let the war the organists begin - Well I believe that our MM (Music Minister) talked to Ted and told him that he already had Susan for the funeral - and Ted seemed ok, but then he called back to say that he gave up another funeral for this - and our MM said.. "You need to hear from me - and if you hear it from someone else, check with me" Man, the drama -
So as usual, Ted shows up on Monday morning all chipper and sassy. It was a long Thanksgiving weekend and I was a bit tired.. and he is chatting away, like a chatty Cathy - talking about things that concerned.. wait for it - HIMSELF. I love him - but sometimes, he starts on a roll and I tune out - today was one of these days -
So we start going through the service and of course someone had to go for a eulogy of some sort - and we are back in the sacristy and he is listening with one ear - and he realizes that this poor girl is reading a poem that she wrote - and what do we hear from our darling, sincere, compassionate Ted - "Oh - I hate those rhyming poems.. " at this point, I am the one that is rolling my eyes at the comments he is making.. really when you are with him - you don't really have to do much - he is very entertaining all on his own!
The service was pretty straight forward, nothing unusual - and when we finished - I had to book out of there, (had a pt appt.) and thought I would see him Wednesday - but I came to find out that I was not going too.. which brings me to the title of my post today -
Soooo the Music Minister of the church where I work leaves me a message telling me that there is a funeral on Wednesday and Friday and that Susan would be playing for them - and of course my reply was .. "oh. I thought Ted was playing Wednesday's" and his response was "uh - no - I booked Susan.. who told Ted?" Awesome.. let the war the organists begin - Well I believe that our MM (Music Minister) talked to Ted and told him that he already had Susan for the funeral - and Ted seemed ok, but then he called back to say that he gave up another funeral for this - and our MM said.. "You need to hear from me - and if you hear it from someone else, check with me" Man, the drama -
Hey.. I have an idea...
We might be able to start a new reality show - "Pedal Point Blank" ( I would like to thank my friend for helping me to come with a good title) Seriously - can you imagine?
Who would be our contestants -
Ted - of course - would be our constant organist and he would have to compete with two other organists who would try to get a job away from him.
We would have a new challenge for them every week - some competitions might include:
- Make them run through NYC trying to play every organ on a city block or neighborhood and time them.
- Seeing if they really have to change their shoes to play -
- Make them play a piece barefoot
- Let them direct a choir of people who truly can't sing and see what they do with it.
Judges, we need judges (hmmm I wonder if Paula is available)
This is definitely something to ponder. Definitely.
Anywho, long story short, Susan did come to play on Wednesday and she also played for me today - it was great.. she is such a good player ( I wonder how she would do in the competition? )
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Hey, maybe this guy will show up! He looks fun! |
But in the mean time, the question still remains -
What organist will I get tomorrow - Stay tuned...
And to my Jewish Friends and family -
Happy Hanukkah!
Peace out kiddies..
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